The How Many Of These Are You Going To Make? Shorts (MMM Day 5)

I’m sure that’s what you are thinking right now. Leah, you say, you just posted about a pair of shorts. Which you made from the exact same pattern. Literally 12 hours ago. What the hell are you doing? Well, I’ll tell you what I’m doing. I’m posting about more shorts. Because I can. Because they are awesome. Because I made them with leftover scraps from my Nautical Bias Skirt. And because it’s my blog, and I’ll bore you if I want to. So without further ado, more shorts.

Of course, as I look at these photos, I can now see a waterstain on one of the legs. Great. Delightful.

I forgot to mention it, but both of these pairs were made with flat felled seams throughout. I think I’m in love with flat felling seams. Yes, it’s a bit more work, but it looks so cool, and it’s helpful, because this linen-cotton blend is fraying like it’s it’s job. Which it well may be, I don’t know what it does when I’m not around.

I wore these on Saturday morning to the Mercado I described in my last trip. We picked up some delightful cheeses, tiny tomatoes (PS: Puerto Rico, grow more tomatoes, please? Thanks) and island Basil, a small-leaved spicy scented variety.

We also picked up some amazing flowers for my cousin, which turned out to be a huge struggle because my family was determined to forget them after the wedding despite my mother’s imploring pleas, but hey, that’s life. So I posed with the flowers in the market, blinded by the sun that, by that afternoon, would become violent rain. Ah, the Caribbean. What a mess.

I’m only wearing one me-made thing in these photos, the shorts. Nothing vintage, either. Sigh.

BUT, I changed an hour or two after this photo was taken into the dress I made for the wedding, and that ensemble had a vintage touch. So that’s two outfits in one day, which I think makes up for my early transgression, don’t you?

Quick, become distracted with flower photos:

Aren’t these amazing? We were informed they are related to Bananas. So wild looking, like an Alien species.


The colors are so brilliant, they always astonish me.

Though here I seem more skeptical then astonished….

Coming up, more shorts! Ha, I kid. I will be gracious and give you a dress. We all like dresses best, now don’t we…


Filed under Challenge, Clothing, Sewing, Simplicity Patterns, Vintage

7 responses to “The How Many Of These Are You Going To Make? Shorts (MMM Day 5)

  1. Two things:
    1. The shorts look awesome on you so OBVIOUSLY you should make a million pairs and post every single one of them. If someone gets butthurt about the repeats, then they just jealz that they haven’t found their match-made-in-heaven shorts pattern yet.
    2. Why do you travel so much & next time can you please take me with you? I’m pretty short, I’ll probably fit right inside your suitcase.

    • Right? I finally found shorts that work for my not-unobtrusive junk in the trunk. Shouldn’t I celebrate? Thank you, for supporting my vision.

      I never really thought about it but I suppose I do travel a lot. This time we went to San Juan for my cousin’s wedding, so that was the excuse. And PLEASE come with me, next time, someone else has to come see the crazy that is San Juan.

  2. OK, I love these shorts, too! Bet you’ll wear the hell out of them this summer. And those flowers are CRAZY! I’ve never seen anything like them!

  3. I too am shorts envious. I have not found anything that doesn’t make me look like a hot mess making a glare. Keep up the shorts making- you wear them well!

  4. Pingback: For ME? You shouldn’t have! (And something for you too, plus winners!) | Struggle Sews a Straight Seam

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